Tuning into the frequency of abundance
Those of you who have been listening to my podcast from the beginning will remember that there was a mentor I took a course from who talked about her mom who was wasting her life being depressed on the couch. That mentors name is Cathy Heller. She inspired me last January to start showing up for my life even if I’m heavy. She inspired me to start singing again. She is the one that put me on this path of a new self discovery. She also inspired me to start this podcast and to create a membership to help other women like me.
I was remembering last year this was the course that helped me break out of my depression. I know that I have learned a lot since that day. A year has gone by and she has put together another free five day course that is going on this week and I am so excited about what I’m learning.
During this course of Cathy‘s I made a map of my future. I wanted to share this map that I created last year in her course. It’s pretty cool to see where i am at on my journey and how I’ve progressed.
I am so excited to share some more of the things that I have learned from Cathy Heller. She has a podcast and she is so inspirational. I can’t believe that she can mesmerize me for hours without a script. She just speaks from her heart. I l can’t get enough of her.
So this week Cathy is talking all about abundance. It is the perfect subject for me at this point in my life. Cathy talked about being in the right frequency for growth. And the frequencies that we want to be in are the frequencies of love and gratitude and all those positive emotions because it’s if we are living in and tuning into those frequencies… we are going to attract people that are also tuning into those frequencies. When we are in line with love… that is when we start to create and creation comes through us.
As Cathy was talking about this I had a moment that told me this was true.
I was in the frequency of love and so…. Listen to how amazing this universe is….. at the women’s retreat basking in the frequency of love. We were all gathered around and many of us were talking about the fear we have had around God. I suddenly remembered a song that I had written years prior that I hadn’t even looked at. This song is titled “Hiding from God” I was prompted to take that song out and read it. I read it and just cried. I realized that I knew the answer now. I can finsh this song. So i did.
An hour or so later at the retreat… I finished the song. I finished the lyrics and I knew the tune. Now I have the challenge to get accompaniment put to it.
So when Cathy said that tuning into the frequency of love… helps us this be able to create and find what our purpose is in this life…. I was reminded In that moment that I need to write music.
She is reminding us that abundance is available to every single one of us. When we “tune into the frequency of abundance” we will find it there. Powerful. Not only powerful but exactly what I need to focus on this year 2022.
The frequency of abundance is the practice of being in a higher state of emotional frequency. Then we attract more abundance. So basically learning to create the emotion as if you are already abundant and then abundance comes to you.
I pulled up the emotional frequency chart at the top to give you an idea of what is on the top of the chArt. Some of the highest emotional frequencies are enlightenment, love, joy, peace, acceptance.
When you think about the top three emotions that you feel most. What are they? I invite you to think about those three emotions without judgement. Just notice and observe. Are these frequent emotions that you are feeling assisting you to be in a frequency of abundance or putting you in the frequency of lack.
This is definitely a subject that I need to learn more about. Like I said earlier I have so much fear inside me right now. It’s a layer of fear that’s really deep down. It has to do with money. Its been interesting as I get low on money…. I feel like I have to grasp at more food. The scarcity pops up for me. I think there’s a tie to that state of fear of not being able to feed myself or something but I’m really taking a minute to learn and notice what I’m feeling.
I’m noticing the judgement that came up for me when I said “I’m feeling the fear of not being able to feed myself.”My ego jumped in and said you could probably go three months without eating and survive because you’re so big. Wow… I’m practicing using awareness when those thoughts come in. Let’s just notice. Suspend judgement and ask if it is true. Then ask the question “what else is there that i need to be aware of” *breathe* I’m gonna love myself through this moment. Shame, judgement and hate never helped me improve.
How do we create these highter frequency emotions? I noticed that a lot of my friends will practice gratitude to help them stay in a higher frequency emotion. My most powerful tool is through meditation.
The most powerful thing you can do is create a life story in your mind that will create the emotions you want to feel. While your eyes are closed and you’re breathing deeply…. you want to feel as if the moment is happening right now. Breathe the air, notice the colors you see, what do you hear, what do you feel? The more you practice meditation the better and easier it is.
It is not easy to take the time out of your busy morning and meditate. But the power of it is so great. I need to keep doing better about this. If I don’t get up early enough I will put on a Sarah Blondin meditation while I’m brushing my teeth or driving my son to school. She has 8 to 15 minute meditations that are beautiful and help you become centered.
Our minds have great power even if we are in a situation where we’re not happy we can put ourselves in that state of mind just by remembering who we are and remembering our creator. I like to believe that all things happen to us to help us grow in ways that we could never grow in any other way. God knows the whole plan. Trust him. But I’m finding if we learn to trust ourselves our trust with God grows stronger.
Here’s to more abundance in 2022 let’s make it happen. Let’s step into the life God meant for us to have.
Have a great week.